Saturday, April 21, 2012

And then I struggled

After having a terrific run/yoga combo on Saturday, the run on Monday sucked.

I can't belief this is all I walked.  At several points, I actually just thought I will give up and walk the rest of the way home.  I couldn't get my cadence right to save my life. I kept starting and stopping until I was so close to home, I thought what the heck.  I was able to pull out the last three minutes to finish.  

I'm glad I didn't give up, but this run side-tracked me the rest of the week.  I let work become the priority or the excuse so much that I didn't even strength train or cross train except for a measly 20 minutes on the bike trainer.

I did get up on run Saturday morning before hubby left for work.  He had to work both days this weekend, so I knew this was my shot.  And so glad I went.  The next neighborhood over was having a yard sale, and it happened this was the weekend I decided I needed a different route.  

Much better.  Had to dodge a number of people and cars but hopefully this slowed me down a bit.  I don't know where this need to be faster has come from.  I try to slow myself up so I can focus on the cadence, but it's not working so well.

There's always this week.  

The plan is:
Monday - Strength training

Tuesday - Run 3 miles
Wednesday - Strength train, 20' on bike trainer
Thursday - Run 3 miles
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Run 4 miles

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